Dear Editor,
The new financial plan released by the Nationals and Liberals is a breath of fresh air, with a strong commitment to better manage taxpayers’ money.
The new approach is called ‘Our Plan for Financial Integrity’.
It includes measures to ensure taxpayers’ money is managed carefully and well, so we can deliver positive outcomes for all Victorians, not just those in the city.
Integrity and transparency should be first and foremost when it comes to managing public money.
Yet time and time again we have seen billions of taxpayer dollars frittered away by the ongoing financial mismanagement of the Allan Labor Government.
Under Labor, Victoria has the highest taxes and debt in the nation. Victoria’s state debt is set to reach a record $187.8 billion by 2027-28, with interest repayments to exceed $1 million every hour!
The Nationals and Liberals’ new plan is simple – we will manage your money better so we can deliver what really matters to you. A future Nationals and Liberals Government will implement a financial integrity plan based on three key commitments:
- A legislated Charter of Budget Honesty – a detailed financial strategy and plan to be published at the beginning of each Parliamentary term and reported against in Budget and Mid-Year Financial Updates;
- A real-time public expenditure tracker – A new website will report government expenditure at the portfolio level, allowing Victorians to see how their taxpayer funds are being spent in real time; and
- A Victorian first Intergenerational Report to be completed by the newly established Victorian Productivity Commission. This will provide a long-term outlook for the Victorian economy and State and be updated every five years.
This new plan is about cleaning up the books and restoring proper financial management. You can read it here:
The next state election in November 2026 is now 100 weeks away, and it can’t come soon enough.
Yours sincerely
Gaelle Broad MP, The Nationals Member for Northern Victoria
Media Contact: Linda Barrow 0484 303 764, 4436 4777